Welcome to St Just Primary School

Welcome to St Just Primary School

Welcome to St Just School!

Thank you for visiting our website we hope you find it both informative and interesting.

At St Just Primary, our mission is to work together to create a school that provides the very best:

Aspirations and Achievements; Together One and All

We are very proud of our school and aim to work in successful partnership with our pupils, parents and the local community to the benefit of all the children.

We can promise you a team of dedicated teaching and support staff who are welcoming and approachable, ensuring that every child is known and cared for as an individual from the moment they enter the school gates. Our main aim at St Just Primary is to provide each pupil with the opportunity to become a life-long learner by nurturing pupils' individuality and creativity, guiding pupils' learning and challenging pupils to think independently through the shared involvement of staff, parents and the wider community. 
We believe communication is key and we will always endeavor to make someone available to speak to if you have any concerns or anxieties. We can be contacted by Parentmail, telephone or face to face.

With a consistent number on roll of around 180 pupils aged between 4 years and 11 years, we are organised into 7 classes, one class for each year group. Our classes vary in number reflecting the admission of local children to their local school.

Children and staff at St Just are hard-working and respectful of each other but above all else, they are happy!
This website can only give a snapshot of St Just Primary. We welcome visitors, so please contact us if you would like the opportunity to experience our school first-hand. 
Mrs Demelza Bolton


St Just School is part of Truro and Penwith Academy Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Company number 08880841. Registered office : College Road, Truro TR1 3XX