Welcome to St Just Primary School

Mission and Aims

Our Mission

At St Just Primary School our mission is to work together to create a school that provides the very best:

Aspirations and Achievements; Together One and All

Our Vision

At St Just Primary School our aim is to provide each pupil with the opportunity to become a life-long learner by nurturing pupils' individuality and creativity, guiding pupils' learning and challenging pupils to think independently through the shared involvement of staff, parents and the wider community.

Our Aims

  • To nurture a life-long passion for learning
  • To ensure everyone reaches his/her full potential
  • To encourage creative, independent thinking
  • To meet the needs of individual children
  • To increase self-esteem
  • To equip children for the ever-changing challenges of the 21st Century
  • To provide stability and a safe place to learn in
  • To develop a sense of community and citizenship

This will be achieved by:

  • Excellent teaching
  • A full and creative curriculum that caters for different learning styles
  • Extra support or challenge when it is needed
  • Stimulating indoor and outdoor learning environments
  • Excellent communication at all levels
  • Strong active links with the community

Everyone is expected to:

  • Be responsible for his/her own behaviour
  • Share our Community Values:  Kindness, Responsibility and Respect