Welcome to St Just Primary School


Music at St Just Primary
Sasha & Ren
Music for all
Music is a subject that we want all pupils to be excited about. At St Just Primary Music is taught to all children, whatever their ability, in accordance with the school curriculum policy of providing a broad and balanced education to all children. Using Charanga, teachers are able to provide a curriculum which allows all children to achieve at their own level. The structure of the Charanga sessions, is one that appeals to all children and is very inclusive. The revisit a revise elements of the sessions allow all children to 'go over' past learning, giving our SEN pupils more time to learn and embed concepts, vocabulary and knowledge. We want our pupils, regardless of their abilities to develop a life long love of music and will support all children accordingly to ensure that they achieve to their full potential.
This year we are really pleased to be able to be part of the First Access Music Project. Through this project, it is our hope that all of our Key Stage Two pupils will be able to have whole-class Brass tuition over the course of this year. 
At St Just Primary we strive to support children to foster a love of music and so try to embed music into our daily routines as often as possible. Research shows that daily exposure to music can have brilliant benefits on children's development and learning, including:
  • Brain growth. 
  • Language skills. 
  • Maths skills.
  • Memory, attention and concentration. 
  • Increased coordination. 
  • Achievement and discipline. 
  • Social skills. 
  • Appreciating the joy of music
In addition to our weekly music sessions, here are some ways in which we immerse our children in music over the course of the week.
  • Music to start the day - to support the children in settling into the school day.
  • Wake and Shake & Funky Fingers (EYFS and Y1)
  • Songs to support mathematical understanding - Times Tables and Number Bonds
  • Songs for transitions
  • Weekly singing assemblies
  • Music as part of our daily assembly times.
  • Music for working 
  • Music for playing - KS1 children use music as part of their Friday Golden Time to allow them to have the opportunity to move and express themselves to the music they enjoy.
Singing Assemblies
Our weekly Singing Assemblies take place on a Wednesday morning and are led by Marna Blundy, who is one of our school governors. Marna is a very skilled musician, who has previously been a Music Teacher and Co-ordinator.  Singing assemblies are split into KS1 and KS2 sessions, to allow for Marna to tailor the assemblies to the needs of the groups. She also confers with the staff to plan the assemblies to feature songs linked to current topics and any upcoming special events.
End of Summer Term Music Recital
It was wonderful to end our Summer Term with a fantastic recital from our young musicians. 20 children spent time showcasing their talents in front of their families and we were so impressed with the progress that they have made this year.
We also said a fond farewell to Sarah Hanley who has been teaching woodwind lessons at our school for the past 33 years. 
We wish her a very happy retirement and look forward to updating her on the children's progress to come.