Dear Parents/Carers,
On behalf of the Governing Body of St Just Primary School, I would like to welcome you to our school. It is a fantastic place for our children to learn, to meet new friends and to enjoy the full range of educational activities which we offer. I feel sure as they progress through the school they will learn to love it as much as we do.
A Governor’s responsibilities are many but our aims are few and can best be described as:
- Supporting the Headteacher and her staff in their quest to deliver an educational experience that is demanding of each pupil to always do their best, while at the same time helping each pupil to achieve their full potential. We support the staff in putting teaching and learning at the forefront of all that the school does.
- Making the environment of our school as safe, secure and as exciting as possible. During the past 4 years we have updated and refurbished several areas; installed solar panels; created an exciting outdoor garden; installed new interactive whiteboards; leased 2 brand new minibuses; added sheltered areas to the outside of our buildings and installed 2 outdoor table tennis tables.
The Governors are inquisitive, appreciative and supportive in their role as guardians of St Just Primary School and each one of us takes our role very seriously.
The Governors consist of members from within the community, from parents and of staff members, all working together in order to provide a first class educational experience for each and every pupil at our school.
Thank you for choosing our school for your children and we promise to do our very best to make sure that you will not be disappointed by your choice.
Yours sincerely,
Ruth Sellors
Interim Chair of Governors
Mrs Marna Blundy
Community Governor
Ms Sara Downing
Staff Governor
Mr Peter Curnow
Staff Governor
Mrs Sarah Popp
Parent Governor
Mr Ben Beckwith
Parent Governor